Monday, 11 January 2010

How Big, How tall?

Its hard to imagine the scale of the proposed store. There are some like it around - if you travel to Altrincham you can see a Tesco Extra there that is on stilts. On Chester Road there is less space for parking around the store so it is likely to loom over everything closeby much more. Size wise, the Altrincham store is smaller than what is proposed for Chester Road, yet when you look at this view from the air (taken from google maps) you can see it is vast. Compare it to the length and width of surrounding streets of terraced housing and imagine a building 13.5 metres high which is larger than this.

The proposed Chester Road store is 75% larger than this one - so imagine that. If you know anyone who says they just want a supermarket in their area and they don't care how big it is - do try to impress on them just how vast it will be.

There is also a neat aerial shot of the Altrincham store here

We have until 21st January to send in letters of objection. You can get lots of information and letters to use to base your letter on at the No Mega Tesco website.

Don't delay - write today!

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